StandAloneArcade Passes 500 Downloads and 100 Active Publishers!

As of today, we’ve officially passed 500 total downloads and 100 active publishers! This means we’ve successfully more than doubled our total number of publishers every month for three consecutive months!

In addition to passing this important milestone, some other interesting statistics include nearly 40,000 gameplays and more than a massive quarter million games imported!

That being said, we can’t celebrate without thanking our sponsors,, and and you, our supporters and publishers! Our great community of webmaster publishers have contributed a number of free plugins, themes, and language packs.

Here’s some of the highlights:

Language Packs:
Dutch/Flemish by Snoozy
German Informal by Miro912
Scoreboard by Miro912
Mecha Black by Citizen

Thank you all!
-Team SAA